sábado, 3 de julho de 2010

Stretcha Fletcha

Marca: Matchbox
Modelo: Stretcha Fletcha
Ano: 1971
País: Inglaterra

Marca: Lesney Products & Co. Ltd.
Escala: Não determinada
Cor externa: Branco e azul claro
Cor interna: Bege
Descrição: Outro de infância. A escrever.

Um comentário:

  1. Hey, i tought i was the only one who had a car just like this, it´s a very funny car isn't it? Do you know if it exist in real life? I have a small collection and i invite you to see it, or if you could submit your collection at this cool page that i found. By the way your collection is good, check my collection there, maybe you will find that you have other cars like mine. Check out this site, and boast your collection there. www.heftycollector.com by the way my collection is under the name St.James, other people have more collections there, buy hey! i'd would say that mine is the best. Hope to see all of your collection there, i think it's easier there.
